by Mistress | Dec 5, 2022 | Hardcore Humiliation, Ms Erika
Welcome to humiliation boot camp! Have you ever wondered about the fun ways Mistress Will Humiliate you? That seems daunting, doesn’t it? Could you imagine a more transformative and immersive experience than a humiliation boot camp? First, setting the scene...
by Mistress | Feb 24, 2020 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Erika
What is erotic humiliation, why are people aroused by humiliation, and some ways to humiliate is an introductory look at erotic humiliation. Erotic humiliation for our purposes is an activity which elicits sexual arousal for the recipient most assuredly, and often the...
by Mistress | Sep 2, 2019 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Erika
Some of you have called for your erotic humiliation by phone session, others, lurk and haven’t. Regardless if you have had humiliation sessions, or not. Your task is to take my questions answer them for yourself , and then bring them to your session! If You are...
by Mistress | Mar 14, 2019 | Ignore Humiliation, Ms Erika
Hello, humiliation sluts. One thing I love about people who get off on humiliation is their increasingly kinky needs for MORE! Humiliation is much like any addictive substance, over time you find you need more. More often, more perverse more more more! Today I’m...
by Mistress | Jan 12, 2019 | Ms Erika, Public Humiliation
Exposing your humiliation is humiliating, and an interesting turn in the world of humiliation. Many humiliation calls deal with a one-on-one scenario where you are emasculated, humbled in an intimate setting. But being exposed and humiliated to a larger audience is...