by Mistress | Nov 6, 2023 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Fiona
Humiliation to Amuse Your Mistress Looking for some novel ways to engage in humiliation and amuse your Mistress? I thought I’d share some of my favorite kinds of sessions and ways my pets keep me giggling and grinning. Ignore Calls: Actively Ignoring You Book a...
by Mistress | Feb 24, 2020 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Erika
What is erotic humiliation, why are people aroused by humiliation, and some ways to humiliate is an introductory look at erotic humiliation. Erotic humiliation for our purposes is an activity which elicits sexual arousal for the recipient most assuredly, and often the...
by Mistress | Sep 2, 2019 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Erika
Some of you have called for your erotic humiliation by phone session, others, lurk and haven’t. Regardless if you have had humiliation sessions, or not. Your task is to take my questions answer them for yourself , and then bring them to your session! If You are...
by Mistress | Jul 6, 2019 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Daphne
← Humiliating you softly: Miss Rachel need not shout to put you in your place. There really is a fine line between embarrassment and humiliation. Where are you on the spectrum? Embarrassment For some people, being embarrassed is the sexual kick they need to get...
by Mistress | May 6, 2019 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Cassandra
What is general humiliation? It is nonspecific embracing many humiliation genres. It is interesting because you get slammed left and right with this and that. You may have a small cock humiliation fetish, but you are more dimensional with more to cover. You are most...
by Mistress | Mar 26, 2019 | Erotic Humiliation, Ms Piper
You probably think this humiliation thrill is a passing phase. I’m fine with allowing you to believe that while I indulge you and make you crave humiliation even more. Once I get you stroking your cock and playing along with all of the fantasies, role plays,...